Services Management瘋狂驚喜

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內容簡介: For Services Management/Marketing or Marketing courses, particularly for undergraduate and graduate programs in Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, Leisure Management and Retail Management.

This book addresses the hospitality industry from a services management perspective, offering the reader a series of management concepts — operations, marketing and human resources — all of which are capable of being effectively incorporated into all hospitality operations. The book’s focus is on the ever-increasing demand of customers for service quality, as well as the other challenges facing hospitality establishments today — including intense competition, globalization, and technological innovation. This book stresses the point that in all serv博客來網路書局ices, including hospitality services, the human element (both employees and customers) is absolutely crucial — in selling services, hospitality enterprises are ‘selling’ personal relationships. Hospitality providers of all types will benefit from adopting the management philosophies and practices in this book — ones that have proven so effective in other service sectors.


.Unique perspective — Currently the only book that addresses hospitality management specifically from a services management/marketing perspective.
~Offers the reader a series of management concepts — operations, marketing and human resources — all of which are capable of being effectively incorporated into all hospitality operations.

.Study Objectives — In all chapters.
~Outlines for? the student and the professor, the strategic focus of the chapter. These also explicitly state the learning outcome of each chapter.

博客來書店.Vignettes or small cases — Used in each chapter to illustrate the more general managerial material presented in each chapter.
~Assist the professor to illustrate the applicability of the theory in practice, and the students to understand a concept through case example.

.Review questions -- For each chapter. The selected questions at the end of each chapter also identify some of the important sections within the chapter.
~Provide a rough guide for both the professor and the student by highlighting issues for consideration and possible? assessment.

.Suggested further reading for the chapter.
~Provides the students and the professor with numerous publications that discuss similar topic areas; hence, the opportunity to gain greater understanding.

.Reference Section — All relevant reference and sources for each chapter are quoted and acknowledged appropriately in the reference section at the end of the book.
~Gives students a great source of information.

.Web support on all figures and diagrams in the book.
~Provides all professors with PowerPoint slides of the diagrams illustrated in the text. This constitutes a valuable teaching tool for professors, and serves as a visual aid to student understanding.

Services Management瘋狂驚喜 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:桂魯    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2006/01/01
  • 語言:英文

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